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    NV - United States

    For all your Real Estate needs, come to the "house" built on a long family tradition of trust and service to the community

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Architects | Commercial | Apartments

  • McEnearney Commercial

    VA - United States

    McEnearney Commercial is a full-service commercial real estate firm specializing in Northern VA, Maryland, Washington, DC and its surrounding business centers. We offer our clients aggressive and inno

    Services: Real Estate | Commercial | Apartments | Villas | Flats

  • Calamos Real Estate LLC

    IL - United States

    Calamos Real Estate LLC, a subsidiary of Calamos Property Holdings LLC, is focused on acquisitions, development opportunities and joint ventures. The firm's flagship development, CityGate Centre

    Services: Real Estate | Residential | Commercial | Industrial | Villas

  • Alan Barberino Real Estate, LLC

    CT - United States

    Alan Barberino himself has been a licensed broker since 1982, and is a Certified Association Manager (CAM). We negotiate real estate property management transactions and use our knowledge and expertis

    Services: Real Estate | Residential | Commercial | Agriculture Land | Farm Houses

  • The Simpson Companies

    VT - United States

    Upon graduating from the University of Vermont in 1970, Earle Simpson returned to his home town of Rochester, Vermont and started Simpson Construction as a one man operation. With his plumbing and ele

    Services: Real Estate | Architects | Commercial | Villas | Flats

  • Orput Companies Inc.

    IL - United States

    With over 1.5 million square feet of buildings owned and under development, we understand the entire building process and are sensitive to the issues imperative for successful long term ownership of r

    Services: Real Estate | Residential | Commercial | Agriculture Land | Apartments

  • Rocky Mountain Mechanical

    UT - United States

    Rocky Mountain Mechanical has been in business for over 30 years. This experience has given RMM trade knowledge that is at  the top in the industry. With this experience and our resources, RMM is one

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Commercial | Apartments | Villas

  • Commercial Builders, Inc.

    CA - United States

    Commercial Builders, Inc. is a premier San Diego-based general contractor specializing in tenant improvement, special projects, and general construction. Commercial Builders offers a full range of ser

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Commercial | Apartments | Villas

  • Delaney Properties

    BC - Canada

    Delaney Properties Ltd. is one of the largest property management companies in the beautiful North Okanagan. We are located in the southern part of British Columbia, Canada. Currently we manage single

    Services: Real Estate | Architects | Residential | Commercial | Industrial

  • Tricap.

    ON - Canada

    TRICAP PROPERTIES has roots dating back to the early 1980’s when the Czapka family began to assemble land in the Northern regions of the Greater Toronto Area. In addition, industrial product was acc

    Services: Real Estate | Commercial | Industrial | Agriculture Land | Apartments