Result Per Page

  • Oceanwide Plaza LLC

    CA - United States

    Oceanwide Plaza is the largest mixed-use development in the history of downtown Los Angeles, set to reshape the skyline while further defining the city as a premier destination for local Southern Cali

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Architects | Residential | Apartments

  • Coast Property Management

    WA - United States

    Coast Property Management is a full service property management firm regionally centered in the Puget Sound Area. Today, we are the largest family-owned property management firm operating in the entir

    Services: Real Estate | Commercial | Industrial | Plots | Flats

  • Property Group Partners

    NY - United States

    Our expertise in product redevelopment is the result of years of experience renovating and repositioning multifamily properties. The breadth of this knowledge allows Dreyfuss Management to provide per

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Residential | Agriculture Land | Apartments

  • Birdy Properties

    TX - United States

    Family owned and operated property management and real estate company for three generations and over 30 years of experience. As active members of the National Association of Residential Property Manag

    Services: Real Estate | Architects | Residential | Agriculture Land | Villas

  • Hartman Income REIT

    TX - United States

    Hartman Income REIT Management, Inc. and affiliated entities own and operates over 50 office, retail and industrial properties comprising over 7 million square feet in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio,

    Services: Real Estate | Commercial | Agriculture Land | Villas | Flats

  • J Street Companies

    DC - United States

    J Street Companies offers expertise in real estate services, including commercial and residential property management, project management, leasing, investment sales and services, and fee development.

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Architects | Agriculture Land | Apartments

  • Flagler

    FL - United States

    Flagler is the most trusted and proven full-service commercial real estate company. For more than a century, Flagler has led Florida’s real estate industry, focusing on business and corporate parks.

    Services: Real Estate | Construction | Residential | Commercial | Agriculture Land

  • Ethan Conrad Properties, Inc

    CA - United States

    Ethan Conrad Properties, Inc. is a commercial real estate investment company that buys, sells and leases various properties. Primarily specializing in office and industrial properties, the company pro

    Services: Real Estate | Architects | Commercial | Villas | Flats

  • The South Bay Association of REALTORS® (SBAOR) is a member organization for real estate professionals. We promote Professional Standards, provide effective continuing education, favorably influences

    Services: Real Estate | Industrial | Agriculture Land | Villas | Flats

  • Clise Properties

    WA - United States

    Clise Properties and the Clise family have led development in Seattle. JW saw opportunity amid the devastation, and he played an integral role in rebuilding the city from the ground up. Clise Properti

    Services: Real Estate | Architects | Residential | Agriculture Land | Plots